Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Space Between

"The space between the tears we cry is the laughter that keeps us coming back for more." One of my favorite Dave Matthews Band lyrics. I think there was this great tea at Borders at one point too--the sky between the branches--or something like that. You get what I mean. And recently, a lot of my reading has focused on the space between our thoughts-finding peace in the moments between the constant chatter in our heads.

As I've become aware of this space, I'm able to create some distance between the true essence of who I am and the sometimes controlling and limiting thoughts racing around in my head. I recognize that I am not my thoughts, but the being that is aware of my thoughts. Not that I'm trying to regurgitate Eckhart Tolle--it's just that this "space between" fascinates me; when I can become more aware of the space that gives rise to form (because without space nothing could exist) than my focus on the form itself...

And I've been in the process of writing this blog entry for 3 weeks now and just haven't been able to pull it all together...So you're getting my half-thoughts because maybe this will peek your curiosity a bit too. As much as I love to write, it's the conversations that make it worth it!