Monday, September 29, 2008

All the While

I am so happy that Fall is here. I love this time of year! September will always be the time of new beginnings for me; too many years of starting a new school year I guess. I'm feeling renewed, especially with some cooler weather, but realizing how long it's been since I've been inspired to write. My last post before today was July 16th!

Clearly, this means that I have not spent enough time outdoors recently, since nature is my best inspiration. And this has been pointed out to me in a couple of indirect ways. I've had a difficult time sleeping the past few weeks and it was suggested to me that I should walk around outside, barefoot for about a half-hour each day. Something about how static electricity builds up in our systems and walking barefoot outside discharges it. Then I came across this quote in two different places over the course of a couple days: "Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair" -Kahlil Gibran.

How beautiful is that! I can no longer ignore the message as it's being so clearly presented to me. And as I stepped outside this evening to pot my spider plants I breathed in the cool, moist air; I felt the dampness of the earth on my feet as I stepped from the driveway onto the lawn; I listened to the songs of the crickets fill the air; and I simply felt alive!