Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dare To Be Imperfect

Somewhere along the journey of my life I've picked up this idea that there is a "right" way to do everything. And in my mind, this right way seems to always elude me in the moment. So I am left consumed with the past...I should've said this or said it this way, or I should've done that or done it that way...the perfect way. It's like a game my mind plays with itself because no matter what I do, it always tells me there was a better, more perfect way to have done it. Yikes!

A friend of mine owns a store where she sells crystals and gemstones. It's my favorite place to go when I want to treat myself. What has fascinated me about her is that she loves the stones that have little "imperfections" in them...inclusions, discolorations, nicks and scratches. And I've started to see the beauty in this as well. How each little "imperfection" gives that stone its own personality and magic and in a sense, makes it perfect.

So I am daring to be imperfect. I am choosing to accept what I perceive as my imperfections, to live in the now, and to stop analyzing everything because it's quite exhausting! Maybe perfection only exists within embracing the imperfections in life...and I know there is a perfect way to end this blog, but it's eluding me right now! :)