Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Thoughts From the Bowling Alley

I went bowling the other evening...real bowling, not Wii bowling and not 10-pin...Candlepin! Usually, the first string is just a warm up, but by the second string I'm prepared...I focus holding the bowling ball right, keeping my hand and wrist straight, lining my release up with those little arrows, centering...and I always seem to do worse! So I decide to just 'roll' with it because it's about having fun, right? As I look down the lane at the pins, I notice their reflective glow on the polished floor and decide to change tactics. I forget about all the other little details and just focus on those pins, my attention solely on the one I want to connect with. Magic! And I suddenly feel inspired...when I keep my sights on my desired goal, without getting hung up in trying to figure out all the little details, life seems to work a magic all it's own in getting me there.

A few years ago, when I was first starting out as a Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner, I sat down and wrote a list of all the things I wanted in a job. I didn't limit myself...what would I want if I could have everything I wanted? I included the physical/tangible aspects of the job and the spiritual and emotional components. I filled the paper and then put it away. The spa I began working in closed after only 7 months of being open. However, it was only through working there, the people I met and its closing, that I was led to working at The Reiki Room. A few months later I found that list again (about a year after I'd written it) and realized quite joyously that everything had come to fruition! I didn't force those details, I didn't negotiate for them. I let the universe know what I desired and left the details up to something greater.

There was a freeness to this experience for me. I don't have to control every aspect of my life. In fact, when I try to, I tend to lose sight of the magic and mystery of life. I envision my desired outcome and then allow the path to unfold before me. It doesn't happen immediately, and sometimes the route seems longer, but the patience is worth it!