Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Earring: Another Lesson In Letting Go

Sometimes we come to a place where we recognize the need to let go of some my recent blog about making room for the new. It's always a work in progress, but in choosing to release old thought patterns that no longer serve me, as well as the more tangible "junk" cluttering my life, I'm making room for new awareness to flow in and sometimes just simply creating some space. (I did finally clean out my closet by the way!) Spiritually or intellectually I can understand that "I have given everything I see all the meaning it has for me." And in so doing, I release my attachment to the "things" of this world. It's wonderful and so empowering when this is a choice, but sometimes the universe presents to me an opportunity to release by "forcing" me to become aware of how attached I am to some thing.

I have this pair of earrings I wear all the time because they pretty much match everything. I got them in Flagstaff, Arizona about 10 years ago and last year in Delaware I went to a place selling Native American jewelry and I found a necklace with the same design. I was thrilled! Last week I was getting into my car and as I pulled my bag off from across me the strap caught my left earring and pulled it out of my ear. As I attempted to stay calm searching for it, thoughts flashed through my mind-how bummed I would be if I lost it; I had just found that necklace to match so I CAN'T lose it; memories of my trip to AZ a decade ago; and finally, how appropriate a lesson it would be for me to lose it because suddenly I realized that maybe I had given those earrings a lot more meaning and significance than what some metal on a post actually deserves...but it doesn't end here!

I got back into my car and looked in the rearview mirror and there it was...the earring had popped up into my ear and was resting right there. HA!! You can't make this stuff up! And I was so relieved. However, becoming aware of a lesson to be learned isn't the same as truly facing the opportunity to learn it. I hadn't fooled the universe. I brought the earring inside when I got home and set it on the kitchen table because I needed to grab a new backing for it. Took care of some other stuff and went back for it, but to my dismay it was gone again. Very gone...flashlight searching, floor swiffering, table/chair moving, under fridge looking gone. And I am left letting go of more than I realized I had to let go of...