It was much darker already when I went out to the tent the second night. My fears were a little more heightened, I think because of how dark it was. Even the dark seemed darker than the night before. But this time I came prepared to sleep, with my pillow, extra blankets and warmer pj's since it was a little cool. I laid there, looking at the sky, convincing myself that the noises in the woods were just birds, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. I was just starting to drift off to the lullabies of the crickets when...
WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! A noise that did not fit into any category of nature in my mind ripped through the night. I sat upright, ears straining to hear more. Oh. Gram was just closing the kitchen window. As the rush of adrenaline finally started to subside, I once again began to drift off. I could feel that pulse of energy right at the border of sleep, aware of the slow steadiness of my breathing. Eventually I started to shift into the dream world. And then I was jolted awake from my semi-sleep by the sound of an animal scurrying in the woods. Damn. Now I'm hungry, I can't relax, and I'm just not feeling this tonight. So I head back in the house, grab a snack, read for a bit and go to sleep.
I am awoken to the sound of someone or something screaming outside. What the hell?! My cat, Lady Jane, is freaking out, her eyes bulging and her tail puffed. My heart is racing. And I hear it again, and again, and again...about a dozen times. It finally began to register in my mind that I am hearing a fisher cat for the first time. I know only because my parents have had them around their house and have described their sound to me. All I could think in that moment was THANK GOD I am not in the tent right now! But I can't help but wonder, dear fisher cat, what message do you bring? Stealth, courage, observation, trusting my instincts...hmmm, so much to learn from the energy of the natural world. Even so, I think I'll just stick to early evening meditations for a bit. I'm all about facing my fears, reaching and expanding out of my comfort zone, but all in due time. I will sleep out there at least one night before the summer is over!