Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I recently took this Tibetan personality test on-line and came out with some interesting results that really made me think. One set of results came out with me rating my career as my last priority. The interesting thing is that this result really didn't surprise me and that made me think about why?

I love what I do--being a massage therapist and reiki master/teacher. I was recently asked "if you could do anything, without failure and with unlimited resources, what would it be?" And, much to my delight, my answer was "exactly what I'm doing now." I asked myself that same question 5 years ago as I left my corporate job...and here I am! I have diligently put one foot in front of the other, maintaining my faith during the challenging times, always knowing that this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

Yet I realized that it's not about my career. I am so thankful that this is what I get to do to make money, but as far as priorities go--it's about the relationships. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be in so many people's lives, or to have so many wonderful people in mine. (I'd like to say to have a positive influence, although I'm sure that's not always the case--but we grow from all experiences, right?) Through massage, reiki, teaching, conversations, laughter...and I'm beginning to see that expanding far beyond my career; I could be doing that in any career and with anyone--friends, family, strangers, clients, coworkers, etc.

Any interaction with another being gives me the chance to share love, compassion, understanding and peace. So really, it's relationships that surround all of my priorities--even above and beyond "pride"--which incidentally came out as my first priority--but that's a whole other blog!