I'm sitting outside this morning, so grateful that the heat of the past few days has subsided a bit. Nature is my most favorite place to practice presence--to move out of my mind and into feeling the energy of my body through being completely aware of my senses. There is so much to absorb. Sounds of the birds, the wind, the crickets, the cars driving by, the bees buzzing around flowers. Sight of the leaves and branches twisting, turning and dancing as the breeze picks up; cardinals, blue jays, robins flying about; the many shades of green from grass to flowers to trees; the vibrant blue of a cloudless sky. The way the wind feels as it gently caresses my skin; the coolness of the shade and the warmth of the sun. The smell of freshly cut lawn as the breeze carries it over from the neighbors yard.
And all the while, I'm drawn to the wind. I'm sure there's some scientific explanation as to how and why it works...but I much prefer the mystery of it all. It fascinates me that you can't actually see the wind, only the effects of it. I am in awe of how something that can't be seen can be so gentle and yet so powerful at times; how the absence of wind can make a hot day more stifling or a cold day less bitter; how it can cause massive destruction or be harnessed to move a boat, fly a kite, or light a city. Oh, and of course, how it spreads the seeds of the much loved dandelion! ;-)