Sunday, March 22, 2009

Making Room for the New

Funny how life presents to me a message multiple times over just to make sure I get it...sometimes all within the same day! I guess this goes back to one of my former posts about how God speaks to us in so many different ways. My horoscope one day last week said "...make symbolic gestures, like cleaning out your closet, that signal to the universe that you're making room for the new." The Sacred Path card I pulled later that morning was the Give-Away Ceremony..."don't get stuck holding on to anything that no longer serves you. Associates, ideas, habits, and belongings may need to go at this time." Later that day, in conversation, a friend mentioned "you can't have it all...where would you put it?" And in one of the A Course in Miracles readings it spoke of releasing our limited thinking. I get it, I get it!!!

This idea of releasing in order to make room for the new is so powerful to me. Trees release their old leaves each fall to make room for the birth of new ones in the spring and snakes grow out of their old skin as they grow into the new. The natural world, of which we are a part, is a constant ebb and flow of change and stability, chaos and order. So I begin to feel...what do I need to release? Clean out? What am I holding on to that no longer serves me? How can I make room for the new?

I started a list of some of the things I want to release...thoughts like fear, worry, need for control, judgments, self-imposed limitations, etc; and, books, "stuff". Sometimes the lists help me to make the intangible things, like thoughts and ideas, a little more tangible. Then I can take that piece of paper and, in my own little ritual, burn it in order to symbolically release all those ideas that no longer serve me. In this way I make room for more peace, clarity, vision, freedom, love, presence and awareness. As far as the "stuff"? Well, now it's time to get to that closet...blahhhh! :)